Importance Of Probiotics And Protein Within Your Diet
ou're probably aware of the importance of protein in your diet. Protein is vital for the growth, repair and maintenance of body tissues including muscles, organs, skin, hair and nails.
ou're probably aware of the importance of protein in your diet. Protein is vital for the growth, repair and maintenance of body tissues including muscles, organs, skin, hair and nails.
What is less well known is that the gut bacteria also play a part in how well protein is absorbed.
Bring on the Bacteria
Collectively the organisms in the gut make up the microbiome. In a healthy person this will be made up of largely beneficial organisms. There are always some unhelpful organisms but this is not a problem if there are enough good guys to counteract the negative effects of the bad guys. There is increasing evidence to show that the range of organisms in an individual's intestines has wide ranging effects on many aspects of health including digestive and immune health, mental health, weight and metabolism.
The beneficial organisms in the gut are called probiotics. Some probiotics produce their own enzymes, enabling you to digest your food more thoroughly. For example, certain strains of bacteria produce lactase, the enzyme required to digest dairy.
Another beneficial strain is Bacillus coagulans which can withstand the acidic environment of the stomach to reach the intestines where it germinates. It has been discovered that administering Bacillus coagulans with protein increases protein absorption (1). This is potentially good news for people whose protein absorption is less than optimal, such as older people, those with compromised digestive function, or those who have a higher need for protein including people recovering from illness and athletes.
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